WELCOME to the Portal of Bro. Yusuf Rufa'i: President, YUSUF RUFA'I GLOBAL OUTREACH, Inc.

An AMBASSADOR sent from God & his LETTER of CREDENCE is the BIBLE. Yahweh sent him to accomplish many things for Him. But the chiefest of them all are: 1. "To rule over the Day and over the Night, and to divide Light from Darkness..." 2. And Yahweh said, "I see you as ARAM on a sea of vast Crude Oil and that oil are people you will deliver to God..." 3. And Yahweh said, "You are Moses and you will Lead My people & you will go in the Power of Elijah."



ARAM - EYES OF MANKIND: Bro. Yusuf Rufa’i’ Personal Experience 
On Wednesday 19th October of year 2005 I had a wonderful experience in which the Lord Jesus Christ in company of His Angels visited me. In that encounter on that memorable day the Lord called me ARAM. This is the dialogue:
“Then He said, ‘present your hands before me.’ I did and He held my hands and began to prophecy. He said, ‘I see you as ARAM on a sea of vast crude oil and that oil are people you will deliver to God.’ Then He turned and said, ‘where is this man from? Where are his people? He is a great man and has one of the greatest assignments on earth.’ Then I began to cry because I was overwhelmed by the enormity of the assignment and that of all people God chose me for this task. He now presented me before the rest.”
From that day I knew a part of my call and assignment from the Lord in a clear and profound way, but I was also confused because He never told me the meaning of the new name and I desperately wanted to know it. I prayed and went searching in the Bible because I believed I would find my answers in it (Proverbs 20: 5; 25: 2). I didn’t get my answers until year 2011 when I stumbled on the word ARAM while studying the book of Zechariah Chapter 9 verse 1b: “For the LORD belong the cities of ARAM, even the as all the tribes of Israel.” There was a footnote to the word ARAM in my Revised Standard Version of the Bible. The footnote said: Hebrew: The eye of Adam (or man).
When I read this I picked up other versions of the Bible to read the renderings of those verses.    
The King James Version said: “... When the eyes of man, as of all the tribes of Israel, shall be toward the LORD.” So, ARAM in Hebrew language means: The Eyes of Adam or Man (Adam is the word for Man in Hebrew). What I was reading as the meaning of the word ARAM gave me two perspectives:
1.       Since the Lord addressed you as ARAM, it means the Lord as He has determined sees you as the Eyes of Mankind or the Eyes of the Nations. Meaning the Lord has called you a Prophet who is to see for Mankind or the Nations and to announce and to prepare them for what has been seen.
2.       This meaning (as a name, it also means ‘High One’) of the word ARAM in the Hebrew language made much sense to me  in relation to the mandate or assignment the Lord gave me on that epoch day. He said, “I see you as ARAM on a sea of vast Crude Oil and that oil are People you will deliver to God...” and the one He gave me on Saturday 6th January, 2007 when in a vision He said to me: “You are MOSES and you will Lead my people. You will go in the Power of ELIJAH.”

All Eyes On Him

As I studied and meditated more on this ARAM word or name and my task that I have termed      THE ARAM-MOSES-ELIJAH MANDATE, the Lord began to speak to me. He said, “Yusuf, the time is coming shortly when before my return all Eyes of Mankind will look to the Lord for Deliverance and Salvation.  I have raised you for this purpose to champion and lead this charge when the time comes and I have anointed you with an unusual anointing and grace for this task and time. The Global Harvest of souls shall commence before the Tribulation, continue in the Tribulation and End before the return of Jesus Christ.”
The Lord took me through scriptures and showed me some of the scriptures that point and speak of this coming unprecedented global harvest of souls into the Kingdom of God:

·         Psalms 145: 15
·         2 Chronicles 20: 12
·         Isaiah 45: 8; 52: 8, 10; 61: 10 – 11
·         Ezekiel 36: 24 -26
·         Luke 21: 28
·         Joel 2: 32
·         Obadiah 1: 17
On receiving these insights and revelations I began to compare and contrast them with revelations received by other Men and Women of God in this regard and also with some visions, especially the one I had in June of the year 2008 and what the Lord said to me in that vision about the year 2027, what will occur, Israel, Iran and salvation of souls into the Kingdom of God. I have published the messages of this vision on the internet severally.  
After all of these I couldn’t help but to concur, align myself with the will of God, pick up the gauntlet and give Him the Glory. Let me bring this article to a close with a narration of the vision Rev. Tommy Hicks, a great Evangelist of that era received three times in Calgary, Canada in the year 1961.
 I quote: …and He said, “This is that which I will do in the last days. I will restore all that the cankerworm, the palmerworm, the caterpillar – I will restore all that they have destroyed.  
This, my people, in the end times will go forth. As a mighty army shall they sweep over the face of the earth.’’ As I was at this great height I could behold the whole world. I watched these people as they were going to and fro over the face of the earth. Suddenly there was a man in Africa and in a moment he was transported by the Spirit of God, and perhaps he was in Russia, or China or America or some other place, and vice versa. All over the world these people went, and they came through fire, and through pestilence, and through famine. Neither fire nor persecution, nothing seemed to stop them… End of quote.

The Lord has decreed His purposes even before creation and we are about entering this period, we are on the verge of this mighty work of God. O’ Earth! Prepare for what is coming shortly when all eyes of mankind will look to the Lord for deliverance and salvation. It is finished! Hallelujah!